Has anyone with a preemie had to send your LO to daycare earlier than you'd like? DD was born 5 weeks early & I am off until January 22. That puts her right at 10 weeks old going to daycare. Granted she was a late preemie & it's a home daycare, but I'm still feeling major guilt all the way around about this! We need my income, but I feel like I'm being a horrible parent sending her anywhere this early. Has anyone every gone through a situation like this or similar? The pediatrician wrote me a note for my job stating that they would like to at least keep her our of daycare until the end of winter...I thought that would buy me some more STD, but it didn't. It only protects my job for 8 more weeks, unpaid.

She's had two RSV shots, but that doesn't make me anymore confident sending her I looked into the nanny route, but those prices are crazy expensive!