Can anyone recommend a prenatal vitamin without BHT, or Red dyes/additives?

My DH picked up a bottle of Centrum Materna as it happened to be what was at the store and it contains BHT (as well as Red Dye 40). I like to be aware of what I am putting into my body on a daily basis, regardless of pregnancy and don't ingest foods with BHT/BHA in them as a rule anyway, so I was a little annoyed to find that most main-stream brands have these additives & was wondering if anyone had come across any without them? I asked my doctor and he looked at me like I had just grown a second head.

I've already ruled out Nature Made Prenatals with DHA (red dye 40) , One A Day Prenatal Vitamins(red dye 40), Stuart Prenatal Vitamins(BHT) and Centrum Materna(BHT/red dye 40).
