Well i am updating here from my hospital bed.  I posted about my day yesterday on the May babies board - was feeling tons of braxton hicks (or so i thought) yesterday Turns out my fetal fibronectin test was positive so we had to go to L and D last night.  Which led to another internal exam which revealed i was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  Admitted for monitoring, to administer steroids for baby's lung development and to give me medd to stop. Interactions (which are apparently more than just BH contractions).  A few hrs later was 1.5 cm dilated but have been stable since.  Cervical length is now 2.3 and 3 is normal but still a gray zone.  Still getting contractions but not as bad.  Baby is doing very well though at 30w 4 dAmy's he isjust a little peanut and only 15th percentile.  Kinda makes sense since me and DH were both tiny babies and are small people.   I will be here til Saturday assuming no changes for the worse and have bought myself bedrest and close monitoring if this little one. Needless to say last night was extremely scary and we are certainly not out of the woods but at least stable.  Such an eye opening experience.  Just want this little one to keep cooking and not spend months in a Nicu.