I feel like a terrible parent- we were out in our backyard yesterday with LO's baby pool and sand-and-water-table, and today LO is COVERED in mosquito bites. I didn't get any; neither did any of the (six) other adults who were around, and I didn't notice any bugs around either, so it honestly never occurred to me to worry about protecting LO (plus, DH and I were kind of in and out of the house while other family was watching LO outside).
Bug sprays make me nervous on a kid who still puts anything in his mouth (especially his hands, which he also rubs all over the rest of him, so even if I skip applying bug-repellent to his hands, he'll still end up ingesting some).... but are there alternatives to just making him play outside in a long-sleeved footie sleeper just for coverage?
Also, once he's got the bites, any suggestions of how to make them less annoying? Do I go out and get calamine lotion to rub on his legs?
Ugh. Stupid bugs.