So for the second time in 6 months, our credit card number got stolen. We are with USAA, and although we are in Florida, somehow an in-store purchase was made with our credit card # today in Michigan for $1500. It went through, but it flagged our account since we've never made a purchase in Michigan, and USAA called me. I couldn't understand how someone could use our card in a store when our credit cards are in our possession. USAA said that there have been several major corporations that have been hacked into recently, and that millions of consumers' card numbers have been compromised and they have seen a major rash in the past several weeks of fraud. They said that these criminals get the card numbers from hacking these systems, then they make fake credit cards with the number on them, magnetic strip and everything. It's apparently a very high level thing!
So just wanted to share with everyone to monitor your cards here and there and just make sure nothing looks suspicious, since this is apparently occurring more right now. I am totally guilty of not looking at our bank account or our credit card until it's time to pay the bill and if USAA wasn't so fabulous, I would have definitely missed this for a few weeks!
As we went through the recent charges, I really wished I could not claim the $650 PishPoshBaby charge for 1 Uppa Baby Vista....But I'm no criminal, so I claimed it:(