So, I've always known that grapes, along with onions, chocolate, and sugar-free gum are toxic to dogs. My husband and I have been pretty careful to cage the dog when my LO is eating grapes, since she often shares her food with the dog.

However, yesterday I gave my LO a cup full of grapes. She walked around and snacked on them while the dog was temporarily crated. She abandoned the cup on the back of couch and I forgot about it. Later, I let the dog out and heard her in the family room whining. I didn't think much of it, but a few minutes later, I went into the room and found her on the couch with the grape cup empty (she must have been whining about the fact that she wanted them, but couldn't get to them...but then she managed to climb up and get them).

I called the e-vet and they said because she is small (~10-11 lbs) and grapes can be quite toxic, they needed to induce vomiting. I took her in, and she only threw up about 3 grapes, whereas I was pretty sure I'd seen more left in the cup. They said some of them may have gotten by, so they gave her activated charcoal and asked to keep her overnight to give her iv fluids and check her kidney functioning (via bloodwork) every so many hours.

Fortunately, we have pet insurance, so we will "only" be out our $200 deductible, but this little adventure is going to cost $600-$1200!!! (We have to pay upfront and insurance will reimburse us).

The vet called this morning and said she never showed any signs of toxicity, and as long as her labs look okay today, she can go home tonight.

My husband and I are kicking ourselves though that we even chanced it in the first place and have resolved not to ever have grapes or raisins in the house again while we have a toddler in the house. It is just too hard to make sure that our LO doesn't feed the dog or stash her food somewhere where the dog to get to it, and this is a chance we don't want to take again!

Just thought I'd mention it, especially for anyone who has a small dog and a toddler!