Anyone have/had a nicu or preemie baby? My twins are still in the hospital and I'm 'supposed' to be pumping every 3 hours. I do feel bad that I'm not better at pumping on schedule but maybe it's because the babies aren't home and I'm not hearing them cry. I do feel like a part time parent because we leave them at hospital. Oh, my insurance has covered us for an hospital grade breast pump rental which is supposed to be stronger. Just wondering if anyone has any advice in pumping with a baby in the nicu. Oh, I have tried BFing them once but given they are preemies, taking a bottle or BFing takes a lot of energy for them. Right now, I want them to get stronger in learning to 'suck, swallow and breathe' and to gain weight so they can be released. (Plus, the babies are being evaluated by a feeding specialist and they are trying different nipples to make sure the act of feeding isn't overwhelming them.) I have been told by the nurse and the LC that there are other preemie moms who have been successful in BFing after being released. Maybe that's why I'm not all that concerned about BFing at this time... I' m more worried about keeping up with my supply. But right now, I do still see the appeal of EPing. Plus, my DH will be a SAHD so I do plan on trying BF and pumping at the same time.
Oh, my babies are a week old today.