This is a little long, but I know other mommas on here are trying to make this decision too so this may help them too.

I am still on the fence between VBAC and RCS. My OB thinks I am a good candidate to try, so I have sorta settled on scheduling a RCS close to my due date and trying for a VBAC if I go into labor on my own before that.

One thing that occurred to me yesterday though is that my doctor initially told me that if my babies were close together (pregnant at 15 months or sooner PP) I would have to do a RCS for safety reasons.

LO will be turning two 2 days after my due he was exactly 15 months when I got pregnant and technically I am literally right on the border of whether or not it is "safe" according to my OB. There is a good chance I will go into labor a couple weeks early since I am taking progesterone shots and they stop at 36 weeks, but do those weeks really make a difference? I would assume that my OB would have mentioned it if she was concerned, or told me I wasn't a candidate for a VBAC at all.

Any thoughts?