My husband and I live in a very small one bedroom apartment. When we found out I was pregnant, we decided that we would turn our bedroom into a nursery for baby and turn our living room into a bedroom/common area since it was a larger room.

LO is now 4 months and it's become clear that this was a stupid decision for us. I plan to room share with LO much longer than I initially thought I would want to, so this room we've made a nursery sits basically unused, making our apartment seem even smaller. This week we're going to make the switch and make the nursery *back* into our bedroom and the large room *back* into a living room.

We have a deep mattress that sits on the floor, so since day 1 LO has slept in a bassinet that sits directly on the floor. MIL had gotten us a hand-me-down crib from a friend but noticed it was a drop sided crib. So she didn't feel comfortable giving it to us on that basis. My husband's little brother is 7 and only used his crib once as a baby, so she gave us his crib. Apparently, she never realized this was also a drop side crib. I'm ordering one of those kits from the company to stabilize it. But, in the meantime, do you think it's okay for LO to sleep in it? He's not rolling or anything yet,he can just scoot upwards laying on his back. It *is* okay after we install the kit they send, right?

And are PNPs okay to sleep in? If the crib isn't okay, we may just set up the PNP instead.