Hi Ladies...

I have a couple questions, so thought I'd put them together in one post.

First, if you used injectable meds (or Clomid/Femera) with IUI, how many maturing follicles did you have before your trigger and what were their sizes?

Second, how accurate are HCG trigger shots? I had mine on Sunday, (the 20th) at 10PM and my IUI was Tuesday (the 22nd) morning at 10:45. However, I felt some ovulation type pains in my ovaries on Wednesday and Thursday. I'm SO worried that I may have ovulated later than Tuesday. We didn't BD at all after the IUI because I was feeling really crampy and just not up to it. I did check my Clearblue Fertility monitor on Monday night and it read as PEAK, so maybe I really did ovulate on Tuesday. I'm confused.
