My LO cries when I breastfeed her because the milk comes out too fast, so for the past few weeks I have been exclusively pumping.
Originally I had hoped to feed her breast milk until she was 1 year old, but OMG.. I don't know if I can imagine pumping for the next 9 months.
I was thinking that maybe I could stop pumping when she's around 9 mo. and then feed her exclusively from my freezer stash until she's 1 year, but after doing calculations that would mean that I would have to store 2,200+ oz. of breast milk in the next 6 months. I have a pretty good supply but holy crap that's a lot of milk.
..sorry about the rambling..
My questions are:
(1) How long did you make it exclusively pumping? Or how long have you made it if you're still in the process..
(2) How big was your stash when you finished? Or how big is your stash now?
(3) Where the heck did (do) you store all of the milk?
(4) How much room did (does) it take up?
..Words of encouragement are appreciated..