Our DD's heart rate had "low variability," so at 40 weeks, they induced me. I had the maximum dose of pitocin, then cervadil, then they broke my water, then pitocin again...but after two exhausting days of labor, I never dilated past 5 cm and they had to do an emergency c-section.
Our tri-county hospital system doesn't allow VBACs if you've had a section without previously having ever given birth vaginally. We live in a remote area, so driving to the nearest hospital that allows VBACs just isn't feasible. Assuming that policy doesn't change, that means I'll have to have c-sections with subsequent pregnancies. I've talked to my OB about it, and she says that I shouldn't worry too much about it. Although the risk of uterine rupture does increase with each pregnancy, the overall risk is still small and I would be monitored for any problems.
We always wanted a large family--five or six kids--and my OB says she feels comfortable with me having five or six c-sections, so long as I wait at least a year between pregnancies. I've never even heard of anyone having that many, though. Have any of you had 3+ c-sections? Or have you known anyone who did? Did the recovery get worse each time? Any complications?
I really hope we can still have a large family like we've always dreamed.