My MIL is retiring at the end of the month and DH and I offered to throw her a party. She's not thrilled about retiring but her health isn't great and it's time for her to stop working. I was hoping to do a post lunch drinks and appetizer open house type thing at our place but she and FIL have different idea. They want it at their own house (no problem) and they want to do a casual dinner. Her suggestions were grilled salmon and beef kabobs. They want to keep it smallish (12 adults, 3 kids). I'm having a hard time coming up with a vision for this party. This size is too big for a formal sit down dinner in their house, but I can't figure out how to make grilled salmon into an eat and mingle type thing.

Help me wrap my head around this. Also, we're in SW Ontario (Think southern MI weather) and it will be in 3 weeks so outdoor is possible but it might be chilly.