pear / 1992 posts
I'm curious how many people have taken the steps to get their return/refund started with Fisher Price - or who may be electing not to participate in the recall and what you're going to do.
We didn't have one for my first 7 yrs ago, but we got one for our second and used it every day and night for her first 10 weeks or so. Like so many said, it was a lifesaver. It was smaller than a pack n play, we could move it room to room, she was by our bedside at night, or near us in other rooms during the day, and we did end up moving her to her own room in the RNP for naps and night time sleep (video monitored) before transitioning her to the crib when it seemd like she was getting too big. We never used the straps because she was almost always swaddled while sleeping in there. Like so many posters above said, these were known risks we took after weighing the benifits and liklihood of a problem.
Our RNP has been put away for weeks now, and I was saving it for our friends who recently became pregnant, but now I don't know if I should save it for her or take the steps to participate in the recall. I knew the risks, and she may know them and decide she wants to use one too, but should I even offer?
And - the recall requires you send in the x-bar supports... what in the world will I do with the rest of the dang thing? Just throw it away with the trash?
persimmon / 1390 posts
I was just scouring past threads trying to find a post from a year or two ago about sleep methods but of course can't find it. The post basically came down to, why won't some reputable organization put together a safety ranking system for infant sleep? We have access to and use rankings like these to make informed decisions in so many other areas of our lives. The "back to sleep" campaign actually makes me think of abstinence-only education. Abstinence-only education doesn't work because people are going to have sex, and not educating them about their contraceptive choices can just result in poorer outcomes. When I brought one of my daughters to one of her early doctor's appointments (I think she was about 3 months old), the doctor took a long look at her perfectly round head as she went through her checklist before giving me the side-eye and saying "And she sleeps on her back of course?" What was I supposed to say to that? No, she didn't sleep on her back because I couldn't be a parent to 2 children and work full-time while only getting 3 hours of sleep at night? We should be able to openly talk with our doctors and with each other so we can make informed decisions, instead of being shamed by them. If our babies are just. not. sleeping. we should be able to say "Hey, I've made a decision to do X because my baby gets a few more hours of sleep that way. Tell me how I can do this as safely as possible."
nectarine / 2436 posts
@Becky: SUCH a good idea about a ranking system. You are so right about Back to Sleep being like abstinence. Did you let your babe sleep on her tummy? All my friend who do (and there are many) their babies sleep all night. My son HATES being on his back (it's so unnatural and bad for babies' digestion if you ask me) but the paranoia I feel about tummy sleeping has me so freaked out. So, no one in our house is sleeping. Every night is torture.
persimmon / 1390 posts
@pachamama: Both of my girls slept on their stomachs from I think about 8-10 weeks on. I would never condone doing this because I would feel horrible if something happened and I absolutely felt anxious about it, but I just didn't know what else to do. I was getting so little sleep and my children would literally never stay asleep on their backs. We co-slept some with my older daughter (really only in the mornings so I was kind of awake), but being in a crib in her own room on her stomach was the only thing that remotely helped with my younger daughter.
apricot / 444 posts
@lindseykaye: I’m going to keep ours. I don’t know how I feel about the sleep thing yet for baby #2. Regardless of the sleep issue, I will continue to use it for showering. We don’t have a swing or bouncer and the RnP is so easy to drag around. If I were FP I’d be a little ticked that other swings/bouncers were not also recalled because they have the same incline issue. I used it with my first and we have a glass shower so I could watch baby. He was happy and I was able to shower everyday so win-win!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@lindseykaye: I signed up to get the pkg for mailing the supports back in, but I'm not sure if I'm going to actually send them back yet. If I do, I guess the rest just goes in the garbage!
ETA: I think if I were having another, I would keep it and use it during the day only.. Its so convenient to move around.
pear / 1992 posts
@annem1990: Yeah I have already ordered my return kit for Fisher Price, but I think I'll just talk to my friend and see what she wants to do. It is still incredibly useful, just like you said, for things totally unrelated to sleep.
And yes! We have a Fisher Price swing too and while we didn't use that for sleep with this baby (because she wouldn't) we 100% used it for sleep pretty often with our first baby.
persimmon / 1381 posts
@lindseykaye: I’m due in a couple months with my 3rd and I plan on keeping mine. At the very least I’ll still use it during that day as a place to put the baby while I shower or deal with my older two. I used it for overnight sleep with my first two because they didn’t sleep well flat on their back. I can’t say that i absolutely won’t do that this time around, but I’m going to give it more of an effort and hope to not use it overnight but we’ll see. I’m sure I’ll get some judgement for that.
However, I’m not going to donate or resell or give it to a friend when we’re done using it. I’m not sure how long you can send in recalled items so if we’re outside of that window then I’ll just trash it.
clementine / 920 posts
@lindseykaye: Our RNP is 4 years old so we don't expect to get much from the recall. We are still using it so I plan to hold on to it for a little longer.
We had a swing that has been passed down through a few kids and stopped working so we recently took it apart and recycled the metal frame and plastic and the rest went into the trash.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@DillonLion: the company did wait as long as they could before issuing the recall. I don’t think they are doing it very willingly, to be honest- which, I also kind of understand since like someone else said, swings and bouncy seats have the same inclined position, but to me the RnP seems like a safer option for sleeping. And the risk is incredibly low still, it seems. Plus for its intended purpose- literally rocking and playing- it’s Sade. Driving and walking on city streets is probably more dangerous.
So if I was having another baby I would absolutely use it during the day. I’d probably think a lot harder about overnight.
persimmon / 1168 posts
I love everyone’s respectful discussion around this
I’m thinking I will use the baby bjorn bouncer since we used that with my son. We also have a hand me down swing. Hopefully this baby will sleep in her bed. I definitely suffered from sleep deprivation with my first and coslept out of desperation after he was a few months old
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