Do you pump on any sort of schedule?

DS is 10 days old now and breastfeeding has been surprisingly easy (lucky me, I know). Now that my initial engorgement has gone down I want to start pumping so DH can "help" feeding (his choice, not mine - not that I mind). But I never know when a good time to pump is, lol.

I have a rental pump from the hospital for the next couple weeks and I refuse to buy my own unless I actually do start pumping regularly and DH actually does feed the baby with a bottle on occasion.

So, when do you pump? Do you pump directly into storage baggies (the pump I currently have has two little bottles I'll have to pump into and then transfer the milk into the baggies)? How long do you/can you refrigerate the milk before it goes into the freezer? How much do you pump at once?

Any advice would be awesome!!! Thanks!