Since our bout with Thrush over a month ago, I had stopped pumping and DH stopped giving bottles. She started by refusing the medicine mixed bottles. Then I had no reason to give bottles. But I recently have been pumping again and needed to leave some milk with my ILs while I had some appointments to go to. I was a little surprised because they went through 2 bottles!
I've long suspected she refuses bottles from ME because I was really careful about not giving her bottles early on (so she wouldn't refuse the breast! haha)
Today we had to go to a party that was far away so I pumped a bottle and figured DH could give it to her. But she also refused the bottle from him. But I was across the table from them, so maybe she knew she could get milk from mama and selectively refuses the bottle when I'm around? I know she can and will drink milk from the bottle if necessary, so is she totally being a smart cookie and refusing when she can?
Anyone experience this "selective" refusal?