We are wrapping up day 5 of life with our little girl and I am struggling. Any news for when things start to turn a little and I might have hope to keep my head above water and go more than a few hours without crying?

The feeding schedule is torturous. Our current schedule is feeding a bottle of pumped milk, nursing 20 mins on each side with a burp in between, followed by an oz. Of formula as recommended by our pedi to get her gaining weight. And then pumping for 15 mins. Itt leaves about half an hour of time in between to take a breath, use the restroom, or rest. I'm fading fast on this schedule. DH and my MILhandle everything else but they are both gone back to work on Monday and my MIL lives out of town. Dreading life when they won't be here.i
Ready to quit on all this breastfeeding and pumping nonsense but I know 5 days isn't very long to give it.

Would love any words of encouragement or advice you have.