Hellobee Boards


September 2013 POAS

  1. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    I'm here cheering you ladies on! Good luck this month!

  2. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    ****Baby Dust to All****
    1: Tarabonno
    2: babycanuck
    6: Catylady
    7: Anandam
    9: MrsMcD, Cookie_Dough
    10: PUI
    20: Buttermilk
    TBD: LindsayInNY, Mrs.64, LittleRedHairedGrl

    ****Cheerleading Squad**** 
    TheReelDeal, Torchwood, LittleK, LovelyPlum, JHD, ABCMrs, Sweetiepie, Wheres_C, ThisMustBeThePlace, CharityAnne, DC Yoga Bee

  3. MrsCDH

    olive / 71 posts

    Hello one and all! AF in full swing today so psyching myself up for a great month

    Cycles Trying: this is cycle number 2
    Current Cycle Day: CD1
    Estimated Ovulation Date: About 8th or 9th September, per fertility friend (only using CM to detect ovulation, so guessing somewhat)
    POAS Date: Will *definitely* be trying to wait until AF is late this cycle so 22nd September (drove myself crazy during last TWW and not doing that again, I hope!)
    BD Timing: EOD, except for ED on the two estimated ovulation dates.
    Anything new or extra this cycle? Going to start BD'ing earlier and continuing to do so later, as I fretted a lot last month as to whether we had missed the egg!

    And bonus question: What’s your #1 song on your music player? ATM I am digging McFly's greatest hits! A bit cheesy, but very upbeat

  4. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    Hoping for some advice from those who have experience charting/using OPK's. I had what I thought were positive OPK's on Friday and Saturday. Sunday's OPK was lighter again, so I assumed that I would have O'd Sunday or today. But my temperature didn't really go up yesterday and actually dipped this morning! Trying to figure out what that means...I'm hoping it doesn't mean I didn't O I'm really hoping for a temp rise tomorrow!

  5. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    Ok totally random...last night I laid in bed and it hurt so bad to lay on my stomach like I normally do because of pressure on my chest. Today my darling chest is also feeling very strange so I'm hoping this is a good sign. Random mid-morning bloody nose yesterday, too, when I don't normally get them unless I'm sick. I used to get them ALL the time growing up, but I've grown out of them completely.

    ETA: I never get sore boobs before AF

  6. Sophia

    apricot / 432 posts

    Finally jumping in here.

    Cycles Trying: 8
    Current Cycle Day: CD22
    Estimated Ovulation Date:8/18
    POAS Date: My plan is to hold out until 9/2
    BD Timing: I hurt my neck and back right around O day and was too miserable to do anything, so I'm just hoping we might get lucky with our timing this month.
    Anything new or extra this cycle? I broke down and started using OPK this month.

    And bonus question: What’s your #1 song on your music player? I am embarrassingly obsessed with Roar by Katy Perry this week!

  7. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    Welcome September bees!

  8. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @cookie_dough: If you O'd sometime between Friday and Saturday as your OPKs suggest, you should have seen a temp rise by now... although it is possible you're a slow riser. It is possible to have positive OPKs and still not O. Happened to me a lot last cycle. Your body may have geared up to O but then did not actually release an egg. This could be caused by stress, change in exercise, diet, or nothing at all. You may still O later in your cycle. What cycle day are you on? Do you normally have consistent cycles?

    Are you sure the OPKs were positive? They can be tricky! The test line needs to be as dark or darker than the control line.

    My advice is BD EOD until a confirmed temp rise!

  9. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @cookie_dough: My personal experience - after a +OPK, mine get lighter and eventually white. It might take a couple days to notice the sustained temp rise though. I'd give it some time but keep BDing in the meantime, just in case!

  10. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    Wow September board already!

    Cycles Trying: 4th
    Current Cycle Day: CD 15
    Estimated Ovulation Date: CD 14-17
    POAS Date: Maybe 9/8 (I may change it once O date is pinned down)
    BD Timing: EOD while we were on holiday, but now that DH is back to traveling for work we'll just try to BD whenever he's home
    Anything new or extra this cycle? 1st real cycle trying post early-mc, nothing really new though

    And bonus question: What’s your #1 song on your music player? Love me some Mumford & Sons

    Good luck ladies! FX for lots of May babies!

  11. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Pui: @LindsayInNY: Thanks for the info! I'm PRETTY sure they were positive, the outside of the line was as dark as the control line...not sure if that makes sense. Hopefully I am just a slow riser! I'm on CD16 now. I normally have pretty consistent cycles, but I have only had 5 cycles since having DD/BF-ing. They are usually between 28 and 31 days, so that might be too few to really tell for sure. Perhaps I will give DH one night off, and if my temp hasn't risen yet tomorrow, start BD-ing again hahaha!

    @babycanuck: fingers crossed for you! I had tons of nosebleeds when I was pregnant with DD (never get them otherwise).

  12. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @cookie_dough: How'd the inside of the line look? Sometimes the outer edge is dark but the inside isn't filled in as dark.

  13. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @cookie_dough: Yeah OPKs can be frustrating. I can tell you though that every time I have had a positive OPK it's been a definite positive where I didn't need to guess. I also always show what I think are positives to my DH for a second opinion lol.

  14. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Pui: @LindsayInNY: The inner part of the line was definitely lighter than the outside. Grrrr...I guess I shouldn't count it as a positive. I really don't feel like going to buy anymore OPK's though! (only have one left). Maybe I will just go by temperature for the rest of the cycle and get serious about OPK's next month.

  15. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @cookie_dough: Try ordering them online! I ordered like 50 really inexpensively.

  16. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @cookie_dough: I use the cheapy Wondfo ones from Amazon.com! I think I bought $50 for like $15 or something. I would keep temping and BDing this cycle anyways!

  17. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Pui: @LindsayInNY: I will order some for next cycle. I meant to for this one, but never got around to it. And we will definitely keep BD-ing!

  18. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @babycanuck: My fingers are crossed for you! I didn't realize you were in the midst of your TWW. Keep thinking positive!!!

  19. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    this next week is going to be BRUTAL!!!!

  20. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    Its not even September yet, but I'm so ready to play!

    Cycles Trying: 5th cycle (but have only actually O'd one time since I started charting in February, on my last cycle with 50mg of Clomid, but LP was still too short)

    Current Cycle Day: 10

    Estimated Ovulation Date: not sure due to Clomid, FF suggests CD18-21

    POAS Date: September 14th

    BD Timing: going for another BD storm this cycle (aka a lot!)

    Anything new or extra this cycle?
    New - increased my Clomid to 100mg and will be using progesterone cream after confirmed O, to help with my short LP.
    Extra - continuing to use OPKs twice a day, charting, using pre-seed, taking FertilAid and FertilCM, taking folic acid, fish oil and B-100 complex. Continuing weekly fertility acupuncture.

    Link to your chart http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/MrsSprite

    And bonus question: What’s your #1 song on your music player? This changes a lot, but I'm currently loving Battle Scars by Lupe Fiasco.

    Here's to a month full of BFPs! I'm sprinkling baby dust down on all of us!

  21. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    I got my positive OPK just now. CD14.

  22. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @MrsMcD: Yay!! BD storm!

  23. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Sprite: What a pretty picture!

  24. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @pui: Seriously. I hope its not all for nothing.

    @Sprite: That really is an awesome picture.

  25. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @MrsMcD: Hooray for a +OPK! Time to get busy

  26. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @MrsMcD: Yayyyyyyy!!!! BD storm!!

  27. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @MrsMcD: Get it girl!

  28. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    I'm a cheerleader!!

    @mrsmcd: Hooray!

  29. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @sweetkeight: @NorCalWayfarer: @littlek: @Sprite: I love all of your cheers!! A smiley face on an OPK stick gets me so excited... I can only imagine the feeling of getting a smiley face on a HPT. I'm wishing good luck to all of us September hopeful gals. I really want us to beat the August POAS postive list. I think there are about 17 's over there. We can at least try for 18, right? Come on girls, we can do it! (I say this as if we have any control....)

  30. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @msrmcd: yay for a positive OPK!! Good luck we can totally beat the August board!

  31. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    I'll be cheerleading you on this month!! POAS boards are still my favorite at HB. So much action and excitement. Jealous of all you potential May Mamas! That's my favorite month. Lots of baby dust to everyone!

  32. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    @MrsMcD: I'll do my best to get the # of BFPs up this month! I'm making DH drive an hour and half each way just so we can BD tonight (we're in separate cities for work right now) -- I think he really wants a sticky baby this month too!

  33. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    Cycles Trying: 4th
    Current Cycle Day: 20
    Estimated Ovulation Date: 8/20 (day 14)
    POAS Date: I am thinking labor day.
    BD Timing: days 10, 12, 14, 16.
    Anything new or extra this cycle? Not trying so hard. I was doing acupuncture, pineapple, etc. but since last cycle would have been much better timing for work, I am just letting things happen this time. I am trying to think happy baby thoughts and visualize my uterus as a nice place for a baby. (Totally hokey but worth a shot.)
    Link to your chart (if you have one and want to share)-

    And bonus question: What’s your #1 song on your music player? Stronger Woman by Jewel

    I realized that if this cycle isn't successful, I will have one more POAS time at the end of the month. Hopefully I won't need that.

  34. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    Hi ladies! So excited to be joining the party this month! This is our first month trying after going off BC in July. We have a 20 month old too.

    Cycles Trying: 1st
    Current Cycle Day: CD10
    Estimated Ovulation Date: 9/2ish per FF
    POAS Date: 9/16
    BD Timing: EOD/ED..we'll see how busy the week is
    Anything new or extra this cycle? First cycle officially trying so just trying to take it easy...
    Link to your chart (if you have one and want to share): not sure how to do this..

    And bonus question: What’s your #1 song on your music player? just upbeat stuff on the radio--not sure i have a current favorite

    fingers crossed for lots of BFPs!

  35. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    So the cat woke me up at 3:30 AM - I temped then, and I temped at my normal time after 3 more hours of sleep. Totally different numbers, which one do I put in my chart or do I discard them altogether??

  36. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @babycanuck: i think i'd discard them

  37. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MamaCate: welcome! and good luck!

  38. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    @Buttermilk - done! I got super excited that it might be an implantation dip but I guess because of the times and stuff it would still be messed up. Here's hoping!

  39. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @Sophia: @MamaCate: Welcome!!!

  40. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    I'll be here cheering you ladies on!!!

    @babycanuck: Your chart looks really good! Especially how often you BD'd around ovulation!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

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