My LO is 14.5 months old. When he was younger, he was fine with people. He never went through the separation anxiety stage as an infant... But since he turned 12 months or so, his stranger/separation anxiety has gone through the roof! It's gotten especially bad in the last month, where he will cling to my leg and hold on for dear life. Sometimes, people can't even look at him, or he will start crying. He does this to almost everyone, except me, DH, and my mom (who watches him often).

Is this something that he will outgrow, or do I have to actively help him come out of his shell? We do one class a week, and we see friends/kids pretty often, so I don't know if it's that he's not getting enough exposure..... but if it is, my husband and I are wondering if putting him in daycare will help? I just feel so bad for him that he's so scared!