Hellobee Boards


Share Your Blogs: January/February 2012

I know over at WB it's a monthly thing, but seeing that we have a tight-knit lil community here... I think Jan/Feb should do I know we had one back in Nov/Dec -- so here goes!

http://conventionalbliss.wordpress.com (TTC/Life BLOG - Cycle 2)

  1. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts


    Just a life blog for now. Not ready to blog about our TTC journey just yet.

  2. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    @mrsjyw: I'm a pretty private blogger so I won't "share" on here, but I just followed your blog! You and my cousin have the same name!!

  3. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @chopsuey119: i saw and i read and i am totally going through your pics right now... M is ADORABLEE!!!!

  4. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @highwire: following you already! and on twitter!

  5. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @mrsjyw: Added you to my reader!

  6. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @mrsjyw: Yay thank you!

  7. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    I'll share. Haven't updated in awhile because of holiday stress, but its a TTC blog...with the recipes I bake to cope with the emotions, lol.

  8. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts


    My TTC (for 18 months now) blog. I'm currently on IUI #2...

  9. ALittleP

    kiwi / 575 posts

    I have an anonymous TTC/pregnant after loss/unexplained infertility blog: http://amiracleintheworks.wordpress.com/

    And, a public, but less updated and much less exciting as I lost my inspiration over the past year as I focused on my anonymous blog: http://alittlepea.blogspot.com/

  10. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Ooh, thanks for sharing, guys - found a few new blogs to follow!

  11. MaisyMay

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts

    Here's my blog: http://teachingmuse.wordpress.com/. It's a mis-match of TTC, life, etc.
    My husband is impressed because I recently wrote a sweet post about him.

  12. MH.Abroad

    kiwi / 686 posts

  13. mrscheesefries

    olive / 64 posts

    I write a married life blog at http://www.thecheesefriesstandalone.com ... TTC at some point!

  14. venice4504

    apricot / 498 posts

    Life and baby blog:

  15. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @mrscheesefries: Hi friend!!

  16. mrscheesefries

    olive / 64 posts

    @highwire: hi! fancy meeting you here.

  17. emahlee

    cherry / 216 posts

    I love new blogs!

    Mine can be found here: http://mothersdaughters.ca/

  18. Rosie Girl

    pear / 1639 posts

  19. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    the more blogs the merrier!

    here's mine: http://babychin.wordpress.com

  20. MH.Abroad

    kiwi / 686 posts

    I actually have three, and I just realized that Hellobee readers might enjoy all of them! I am following a lot of you, and I'd love to have more readers to motivate me to keep blogging!

    TTC Blog - http://internationalbabydance.blogspot.com/
    I post on this one occasionally, but I'm sure it will get more active once we're actively TTC.

    Life Blog - http://scriptationabroad.blogspot.com/
    I post here everyday, with general life blogs and the "Question a Day" book project.

    Photo Blog - http://aroundtheworldinaframeaday.blogspot.com/
    I post here everyday, completing the "365 Frames Photo Challenge", taking a photo every day for a year.

    Looking forward to reading everyone's blogs!!

  21. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    Here's mine: http://amandaleaps.blogspot.com/

    It's my "life" blog, but since I'm currently pregnant it's like 90% pregnancy related (if not more). And this month should be really fun because I've declared it Decorate the Nursery month to try and pass the time during the last FULL month of my hubby being gone (he's due to be back from being deployed in February)!!!

    Look forward to finding more blogs to follow!

  22. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    No other blogs??? 8-(

  23. jennylynn

    persimmon / 1134 posts

    here's mine:


    Right now it's mostly pregnancy related, with some DIY nursery and home projects thrown in also.

    I already follow some of you, but I'm looking forward to checking out some new blogs

  24. MH.Abroad

    kiwi / 686 posts

    There have got to be some more blogs around here. Come on guys, my reader is hungry!

  25. MaisyMay

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts

    I'm with the others...are there no more blogs to read?

  26. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @jennylynn: haha, I just got so excited that there was another pregnancy blog posted, but I already follow yours! Love the wall art you made for the nursery, btw!

  27. Coastinganon

    cherry / 170 posts

    Ok...I'm http://www.otherpiecesofme.com Lifestyle blog.

  28. jennylynn

    persimmon / 1134 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Hahaha! Thank you! I'm looking forward to seeing your upcoming posts on your nursery also! And, I envy your knitting abilities....I tried crocheting awhile back, but I suck.

  29. bienlivingdesign

    apricot / 275 posts


    Interior Design Blog

  30. TheFixIts

    cherry / 168 posts

    You can find me over at: http://www.thefixitsblog.com

    Still deciding if I'll get into sharing TTC stuff! For now it's home improvement/lifestyle stuff.

  31. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    YAY I think I'm following everyone now. Totally confused as to how to follow people who aren't on blogspot - I entered my email but I'm totally new to this blog thing. Way back in the day I was on livejournal LOL.

    anyway, my blog was halted by finals, but I'm going to pick it up again. I'm debating on switching to wordpress? pros, cons?

    http://www.missbegoodnow.blogspot.com !

  32. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @sorrycharlie: I switched from blogspot to wordpress over a year ago and I LOVE IT! it's clean, simple, easy to use, and I've never had any server crash issues with it. The only con is that there are a lot of blogspot users so compatability of comments, etc. isn't as easy or efficient. Also - if you want to buy a custom design by graphic designers, WP designs are more $$. Elsewise - I LOVE IT!

  33. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @mrsjyw: awesome! I signed up, now to post. how do you go about following people without wordpress? the google reader?

  34. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    just kidding - I'm now at wordpress.


    baking, DIY, photography, and TTC!

  35. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    Any other pregnancy bloggers out there?

  36. mommacommaphd

    cherry / 149 posts

    Kind of a mommy blog meets a science blog. Talk a little about life with a toddler and one on the way, and a lot about the science behind parenting choices.


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