LO is 4 months and has started taking short naps. Typically 30-45 minutes tops, whereas before he'd often do at least one or two over an hour +. Today he did one that was 15 minutes, and now just did one that was FIVE. Before I could extend his naps when he was very tired with the pacifier, but now he's just wide awake and looks at me like I'm crazy. Gah!
I'm not really looking for advice I guess, since I've read it's typical to have short naps at this stage... just commiseration! If your LO went through a phase like this, when did it end? Oh man I hope it is just a phase. I miss my quiet time! Lol. Not to mention he's a big grump when he's sleeping so little during the day...
ETA I just realized I literally posted about this exact same thing a few weeks ago. I've clearly lost it. Oops! I will say though that before there were at least the occasional wonderful long nap. Now they're getting shorter every day. 5 minutes... what is that?!