I'm so obsessed with LOs naps still. He has improved so much since he was about four or five months old (now 7.5 mo), but of course there are days where he refuses to nap more than 30-45 min at a time. I'm always worried that if he sleeps horribly during the day, that he'll sleep bad at night too. So far, I haven't seen that with him, but my sleep bible (HSHHC) has beat it into me that sleep begets sleep. so if there's a few days in a row where he doesn't nap well, should I expect that his nights will start to be affected too?
I guess I'm just looking for moms who have always had bad/less-than-ideal nappers but great night sleepers...do those kids exist?? So I can stop worrying how much he naps everyday and just roll with it!