DS is 5 and its been a good 2 weeks of him waking 4-5 times a night and coming in my room - at first he has to pee, then he needs a drink (and yes I have told him he doesn't need to tell me these things he can do it then go back to bed) and then by wake-up's 3-5 he is scared of his room - vampire bats, monsters, zombies, and fear. I told him that vampire bats live in caves and we don't have caves - monsters and zombies aren't real and fear is an emotion. He assured me that Fear was a monster that lived under his bed and ate copious amounts of jelly beans......
Anyway..... he sleeps with a noise machine, a humidifier with a broken fan (so its loud too) his bed lamp, overhead lamp, and in the hall is the box fan on. We even added the radio last night with no luck. He says he hears noises so I was trying to drown out any background noise he might hear.
I am exhausted - he is exhausted - and in time out A LOT!!!
I really don't want to start a bad habit but am wondering if maybe I should sleep with him for a few nights so he can get some decent sleep (me too!) Then again how hard will this habit be to break???
This morning he woke up at 2 am and never went back to sleep
HELP ME!!!!! Any other ideas are welcome too!