My LO had always only used the pacifier for sleep, never during the day. She STTN without any issue, even if it falls out (which it usually does). I've been thinking about weaning for a few months since she's nearing 2, and we just had her first dentist visit and they told me she has a narrow palate, which can be exacerbated by sucking. It's not urgent by any means but they did recommend reducing pacifier use so that she doesn't have to get a retainer later on.
Tricky thing is, I'm not sure how to wean her. We tried just not giving it to her, and she doesn't ask for it by name, but because it's not there, she won't stop talking or calling for dad and mom. It's like the paci is her off button. She's generally a highly energetic kid who takes a while to soothe herself down for sleep so the paci appears to be her signal that it's time to sleep (and soother as well).
I'm pretty anti CIO so I'd love some tips on how to wean her. Last night she cried for dad and mom for a half hour before I gave up and gave her the paci (she quieted down immediately) and today she wouldn't go down for her nap and kept wanting to get up and play and go to the kitchen. As soon as I gave her the paci, eyes closed and out like a light.
Our schedule in case it helps:
BT- 8:30-9 (she's in the crib by 7:45-8 and takes a half hour-hour to relax and fall asleep)
WT- 6-6:30 (9.5-10 hrs ONS)
Nap 12-2/2:30