So, for the last week and a half or two weeks it seems like I have a different baby! it has been horrible! My LO was famous for her sleep....down In an instant at night, slept for 7or 8 hrs and if she woke up, we would hear her sucking her thumb to getback to sleep. Naps have always been difficult...but she was at least going downfor 30-40 min once or twice a day.

The last 1.5 weeks, something is up. She is waking up at night after being asleep for only an hour ,and often times after that takes two hrs to get to bed completely. She wont soothe herself. She has stopped napping at ALL and is thus miserable. She cries ALL daylong and is very clearly exhausted but she cannot go to sleep!

Tonight, after 2 hrs of fighting to get her down, I laid her on her belly across my legs with my hand underneath, pressing her belly, and she was asleep in an instant

So, could all this sleep stuff be the result of a persistent stomach ache? Or, I have heard about a 4 month sleep regression? She is 3.5 months...we aree going crazy!! She will not sleep but is exhausted, so she is miserable and unhappy. Would a stomach problem make laying on her back difficult?

I just don't understand how my perfect little self-soothing sleeper suddenly cannot sleep.

I know this is crazy but the only thing I can think of that I have eaten differently in the last two weeks is Italian ice,every day. The timing aligns perfectly. That can't be it, right?!

Help!? I miss my happy baby

ETA: she has been to the dr...there is nothing wrong with her health. The dr. Just thinks she is tired and we need to make her nap. She suggested CIO, two 20-min intervals at a time, which we did twice today and I spent the day in tears. I almost wish she had an ear infection or something so we could get mess and get relief! Ugh.