I have normal 28 day cycles. I know when I ovulate because I get pain in my side every damn time. DH is healthy. We are both healthy. Unexplained infertility just plain sucks.
Why cant I get pregnant naturally? Why? Why is it so hard?
I had an appt with the fertility clinic yesterday. She said I have to wean LO. Fine. I was expecting that. I don't want to but I want another baby so I'll do it. I need to get blood tests done, one on cycle day 3 which wont be for awhile as I'm on cycle day 7 now. So next month. Then they get the results and so dr said I could start the IUI cycle after that.
She told me to message the nurses through the online portal so they are informed. Covid has changed things up.
The nurses informed me today after I wean I need to have two normal periods before they will do the IUI. "Sorry if Dr didnt mention that"
I'm just soooo upset. There is no way we will get our first IUI in august like I was hoping. Maybe sept if I am able to wean asap. Which is just a month difference but still.
I dont want to wean. I enjoy bfing so much. I just have so many emotions about all this. It just sucks.
I guess working from home has its perks and I can take time away to have a good cry.