Like after he/she is done with them - if a friend had a baby of the same gender, would you lend out your LO's former wardrobe? What if you planned to have more kids?
Like after he/she is done with them - if a friend had a baby of the same gender, would you lend out your LO's former wardrobe? What if you planned to have more kids?
squash / 13764 posts
Probably only things that I didn't really care much about--so basics, like onesies and leggings and things. I wouldn't lend out anything that had sentimental value or anything that I really loved, since I'd probably want to use it again.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
I'm considering it. A friend of mine had a little girl recently and I have some stuff I would be willing to lend her. I don't plan on having another but I would like to consign the stuff later. It all depends on how much you like the stuff. I'm not sure I would plan on getting it back even if you're "lending."
coconut / 8305 posts
I would never "lend" out clothes, but since I don't like to store things (we already don't have enough space) I would certainly give old clothes to friends... If they wanted them.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
My answer is the same as the maternity clothes- yes, but only to a close friend or sister's kid. Since I plan to benefit from lent clothing for my future LO, I would plan to pass it on. I'd keep some favorite things for sure, but basics, I'd pass on and hope to get back or get something similar back. Especially since you don't know if you'll have the same gender next time, it would make sense. But I would certainly keep my favorite or sentimental things unless it was my sisters.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
To my closest friend yes. To those not as close no because I wouldn't trust them to keep it clean. Even though I plan on #2.
If no more kids I'll just save them for the close friend!
clementine / 889 posts
I've been debating this lately. I have bought most of DS's clothes second hand through an awesome local consignment shop. They only take stuff in great condition. DS is 17 months and I've sold back a few things, and am actually taking in two bags today to sell back. We don't have a big house, so storing things isn't really an option for us.
BIL/SIL are having a baby in January, so I've set aside a few cute things for them. They are team green though and most of our stuff is not gender neutral. I've held onto a few things, but I'm planning to get a Mirena IUD and we are waiting at least another 1-2 years before we have another child, so it seems like a long shot to hold on to everything for so long, especially if we end up having a girl.
We did lend all of our baby gear to my BIL/SIL though. By the time they are done with it, we'll be thinking about baby #2 and I bought all of our gear in gender neutral colors on purpose for that reason.
kiwi / 678 posts
My cousin and I trade clothes back and forth. Our girls are spaced out (hers are three and one and mine are two and three months) so every few months we switch off clothes. I would do the same with my sisters. One of my sisters is due in December and is having a boy, so I just gave her all the newborn gender neutral stuff I had. I think it's especially nice for the first year when they go through clothes so quickly.
persimmon / 1194 posts
We won't until we are done having kids. It takes up space but it would also be expensive to have to rebuy everything.
blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts
I didn't "lend" anything with the expectations of getting anything back. Plus the more babies that wear it the more worn out they get. If you want things back and in good on diction I wouldn't do it. Just hold on to them.
coconut / 8498 posts
I've loaned out some clothes to a friend, but only outfits that I don't care about getting ruined or not getting back... though hopefully we will get them back!
cherry / 232 posts
I can't stand the thought of not getting things back or having things come back in not as good condition. Plus I think it would just be to hard to part with his things as silly as it sounds. I am way too obsessed. I've been putting all his old clothes in a bin in case we ever have another boy.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
I don't think I would lend out clothes, but I would give them away if I didn't want them/was done having kids. The few outfits I've lent out I haven't gotten back yet, so that might be coloring my opinion.
bananas / 9973 posts
I would only lend out things I wouldn't care if I got back or not ultimately. If I were completely done having kids, I'd just give them away.
grapefruit / 4649 posts
We have the space to store things so I think for the most part I will keep clothes until we are done and then pass them on. The one friend I could see loaning things will undoubtedly be given more than she will ever be able to use which makes it moot. If my sisters were close to having kids or geographically I would lend them things.
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
I'm planning to lend out some things to my SIL if she needs them. But only things that I don't love or don't have sentimental value to me, because I know that I might not get them back. Not her fault.... things happen with babies!
But for the most part I want to keep LO's clothes because if we have another girl I don't want to have to worry about getting her a whole new wardrobe.
kiwi / 658 posts
if it's within family then yes. otherwise i would wait until i knew i was done having kids and then just give them away.
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
We've sorted our clothes into: don't care, care somewhat, and too sentimental to give away.
We'll give the don't care stuff to anyone, the care somewhat stuff only to special friends who we interact with a lot and can enjoy the clothes on their kids and we'll keep the sentimental stuff (like coming home outfits).
We have A LOT of clothes!
squash / 13199 posts
No. I dont share my clothes nor will I share LO's clothes. I might give some away but not expect them back
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@Mrsbells: me too. I'd only give them away if I didn't plan on using them again. Anything I want to use again, I can't see myself lending out.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@regberadaisy: lol sometimes you have no control over how clean your LO keeps it haha
to my family members yes... and maybe a close friend. otherwise I'd worry about now getting them back.
My nephew is only a few months older than DS and we share clothes!
hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts
I would/will gather things that I don't care whether or not I got back and give those away. Things that I actually do want back, I wouldn't risk lending them.
cantaloupe / 6751 posts
Once we are done having kids, I'll just give them away to friends or family.
coconut / 8299 posts
Same as @rubies! I would give away the stuff I don't care about but the stuff that I do care about, i would keep!
grapefruit / 4823 posts
It depends on who the person is i'm lending them to. and probably not until we are done having kids. but DS spits up so much, most of his clothes have litte stains on them, so no one would probably want to borrow them haha
ETA: but i do plan on making a tshirt/onesie quilt for him with old clothes so probably whatever isn't used for that i would give away
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
I don't know if I want niece will be born in Feb and we are due in April. Should I let them borrow stuff then ask for it back if we have a girl? Our families don't want us to do Team Green anymore!
blogger / persimmon / 1220 posts
I wouldn't lend out clothes that I wanted to keep, unless a friend wanted to borrow a particular outfit for a special occasion. I've given away hand-me-downs that I received from other mamas to my friends, but I never expect those back.
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