I'm going to ask my doctor when I go in on Friday, but I'm a nut and can't stand not understanding exactly what's going on and was hoping someone here could help.

I knew my doc was going to have me try Clomid again (100mg), but I'm confused as to why I needed the Ovidrel. I asked the nurse when she told me and she said to make sure I ovulate on time, and that the egg doesn't get 'too old' in cause I ovulate late. I said ok, but I didn't really understand that. How would someone know if they even ovulated "late". I know it's late in my cycle (usually CD25-32), but last time I had the u/s, I was 14mm on Thur, LH spike on Sunday, so @2mm/day, that's 20mm. And O'd on Monday.. so wouldn't that be perfect timing to O?

Then she also gave me progesterone supplements, but I'm not sure why. Last cycle my levels at 7dpo were fine (15, unmediated), so why the progesterone prescription?

And I was reading about Ovidrel and it seem like a lot of times it goes with Gonal, which I wasn't given. When is that normally prescribed?