For anyone that did initial testing with their RE, I have some questions about timing and results...
I am on CD12 with a normal O date of CD16-18. I had my Day 3 bloodwork and HSG already, so now we're just waiting for DH to get his SA before looking at results and discussing treatment options. The issue though is that they say to hold off on BD'ing for 2 days before the test, and we are in our fertile window. Even if we ignored those instructions, I don't want to waste the swimmers if that makes sense! I want them nice and replenished by the time we BD. So do we wait a good 10 days before he goes for his SA, or will that be too late for us to discuss the results and get started with treatment for the next cycle? Do you have decide before your cycle starts or can you start Clomid or anything else mid-cycle?
I am totally clueless, and I'm not convinced my RE's assistant will be able to answer these questions. Thank you!