LO is about 3.5 months old, and has STTN since 6 weeks. She's a great sleeper, duration-wise. However, we've noticed for the last 2 months or so she will occasionally spin sideways in her sleep. As in, we put her down in her normal position, and she rotates herself 90 degrees so her head is down at the bars.

And, of course, since she's a looong baby, she bangs her head on the bars and half-wakes up whining pretty loudly. Usually I can go in and rotate her back without waking her up, but the last week or so it's been 2-3 times a night of going in, shushing her, and rotating her back.

I'm exhausted. Yes, she's still technically STTN because she doesn't fully wake up, but I still have to haul my sleepy butt out of bed and rescue her.

Any ideas? I don't think a breathable bumper would help, and a real bumper is out...so what can I do? Stick a rolled up towel under the sheet to block her?
