My little guy has been really struggling with sleep, and I'm not sure what the cause is. He's almost 5 1/2 months, and was a relatively decent sleeper until about 12 weeks, then we traveled for a month and at 4 months he started waking more at night. Ewe still haven't really recovered from that.

I thought maybe things were getting better, but now it's worse. LO sleeps on his tummy and just tosses and turns FOREVER after nursing at night. It can take him an hour to settle down sometimes. He's trying to roll on occasion at night, which I think frustrates him too.

During the day, he is SUPER fussy. I maybe get ten happy minutes, and then it's an hour of fussing and whiney cry. I try everything I can think of, but man, it's hard sometimes! Being outside seems to help, or being carried around, but I can only do that so much.

Any ideas as to what might be impacting his sleep? I don't think he's teething (no nubs) but I suppose things can be on the move. He is still working on mastering rolling, and he's also working one it maybe it's developmental?

Or do I just have a suddenly fussy baby....please tell me this will pass! I'm exhausted from the past few days!