On the dirty secrets thread, lots of us (including me!) posted that our kids' veggies come from pouches. So not to make everyone sad, but the new Gerber pouches specifically list how much of each ingredient is in them and there are basically no veggies. The pear spinach pouch has ONE spinach leaf in it (why do they even put that info?? it's not selling it!) and the apple blueberry spinach has something like 1/2 spinach leaf.
The only other company I know of that lists quantities is Happy Baby's clearly crafted pouches, and those have like 1 c of kale or 1/2 c spinach. I'm trying to make an effort to buy more of those, but they're much more expensive than the Gerber. I don't know about Plum or any of the other companies. I was so bummed when I figured out the Gerber ones are basically veggie-less!