This is a spinoff of the savings account thread. It seems that the vast majority were talking about relatively liquid funds rather than savings in stocks, mutual funds, etc.

Right now we aren't saving for retirement, but my goal is for us to start putting 15% of our household income into our 401Ks soon. If we save this over 30 years, assuming our income stays pretty much the same (mine will go down, DH's will go up and it will all even out), and assuming a conservative 6% rate of return, we will have around $878K by the time we retire.

That sounds like a lot, but adjust for inflation and its really not! This calculator ( says we should save $2.1 million to retire on 80% of our salaries at 60! I'm hoping our income increases and we are able to save more than that, but even 15% of what we make now seems like a lot. What are your retirement savings goals?