I have two (technically three) MILs in my life. One I HATE and the other one is nice but a bit batty and they are both driving me crazy.

The one MIL is actually my DH's grandmother, but she acts like his mom because he grew up with her. We have always had problems with her, more me than him. She smothers him even now. I was actually going to start a post on this today as what happened last night has me so upset. She has always been so drama but last night really takes the cake. His parents came over to see my DH and my son and to get their taxes done. She ignored me the whole time and barely said 5 words to me. This is not unusual, but when it's in my own home, it's not ok.

She also wound up my son to the point that we had trouble getting him to go to sleep. She has an opinion on anything and everything, last night it was that I was feeding him wrong. I was feeding him baby food, then let him eat strawberries by hand. He likes feeding himself and she insisted to my husband that I was doing it wrong and that she should feed him like a little baby that he is. (He's almost 14 months!) I was furious by the time they left.

My only solution to this (right now) is to tell my husband she is no longer welcome around me or my children. I have already told him that she is not welcome at the hospital after I give birth in June. Last time they just showed up after saying that they were not coming. I will give the nurses a picture and tell them not to let her in. I am tired of being disrespected and treated like I don't exist.

Tell me ladies, am I out of line?