How/When did you start solids with your LO if they had/have MSPI or other intolerances? What foods did you start with? How long did you wait to try a new food? DS is 5 months and just thinking ahead about starting solids and what foods to try first.
How/When did you start solids with your LO if they had/have MSPI or other intolerances? What foods did you start with? How long did you wait to try a new food? DS is 5 months and just thinking ahead about starting solids and what foods to try first.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
We can be food intolerance buddies My older daughter had the same issues. We started at 6 months with avocado, then banana, then sweet potato. Her mucusy stools actually did improve once we added solid foods to the mix. She did great with purees but we were definitely late on finger foods. We had gluten intolerance too so puffs were out as well as anything like baby mum mums. And cut up veggies and fruits are harder for little hands to grasp so we just gave her time. Blueberries and peas were the first finger foods she consistently ate and she was close to ten months at that point. I stayed away from foods with higher likelihood of allergic reactions like raspberries and strawberries. And no nuts until close to 2 after we had allergy testing done and I knew she wasn't allergic.
eggplant / 11408 posts
Whelp...we started with teething crackers and other wheat-like things at 4.5 months, and it was a disaster. It turns out that she was wheat-intolerant as well. So I wouldn't do that
In all seriousness, we decided to wait until 6 months, and we took it one at a time for a bit. Lots of fruits and veggies, then when she wanted, things off our plate. I was really freaked out and a nervous wreck at first, but I needn't have been. She was fine with almost everything MSPI safe!! We even accidentally intro'd nuts earlier than a year because something had cashew butter on them that I didn't realize. She is allergic to shellfish (mollusks specifically), but that didn't show until 18 months or so.
Deep breath, Mama, and trust your gut. It's scary, but you can do this!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
We waited until she was 6 months (actually closer to 7 months because DH was away for work before then). I think her first food was sweet potatoes, then we tried bananas, avocado, and then moved on to some other fruits and veggies. After the first month, we started adding in baby cereals and ground meats. I had eliminated milk, soy, eggs, corn, and nuts, so we didn't introduce any of those until much later. Just FYI, my LO outgrew all her issues by 14 months. Good luck!
I found this site helpful when I was trying to figure out what to introduce first:
pear / 1521 posts
We waited until six months and then LO was really slow to take to solids, so my plan to do BLW went out the window. We introduced different foods slowly, but I had a hard time ever figuring out if she was reacting to things. She obviously has not reacted to anything too badly because I would have known, but she gets diaper rashes really easily so it made hard to tell (and still nursing so sometimes wondered if it was what I ate instead). Anyway, she just turned a year and had her check-up and she's basically a little behind eating-wise but I think more to do with separate issue than MSPI.
We ended up doing rice cereal, then store-bought purees starting with less allergenic stuff. Still now I stay away from things like strawberries, etc. and has not had wheat yet. Working on actual solids, she is not into self-feeding at all! I'm about to try yogurt myself on advice of her ped so we'll see how that goes!
grapefruit / 4321 posts
@catlady: Really? Corn? Was that a rec from your ped? I'm currently off milk, soy, wheat, eggs, fish and nuts. GI just suggested trying beef next and then rice. I hadn't heard corn yet. Though honestly, I'm running out of things I can eat.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@Truth Bombs: I dropped most of them myself after keeping a food diary and seeing what she reacted to. In hindsight, I'm not convinced she was reacting to anything other than dairy and soy, and one other thing that we never figured out. The problem was, she kept testing positive for blood in her diapers, so I felt like I had to keep dropping foods. By 9 months, the pedi just stopped testing altogether (LO looked and acted fine, but just tested positive).
The ones that our pedi suggested (in addition to the ones I listed) were beef, gluten, and legumes. I tried dropping each of those for about a month but eventually added them back in b/c there was no change.
I hear you about not having anything to eat. So sorry you are dealing with this. It sucks. The one bonus was that I was got to eat all the potato chips I wanted (as long as they were cooked in a "safe" oil) and I still lost weight like crazy. Lol.
clementine / 935 posts
I had to cut out the top 8 allergens plus corn and peas to get the mucous and blood out of my LO's diapers (I don't think she reacted to everything, but we couldn't figure out what she did react to). We started solids at 6 months, with sweet potatoes, then carrots, avocado and squash. She's 8 months now and eats almost all fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, and chicken. She hasn't had any issues and I've even been able to eat some of foods I'd eliminated! When we tried giving her peas directly she did have very mucousy diapers again, so we won't be giving her any of the other foods yet.
We waited 3-4 days between new foods. I was terrified to start solids but it's been great!
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@Truth Bombs: I hope your appointment went well! Yea I was thinking of starting with sweet potatoes and avocado's too. Trying to stay away from gluten too just in case..
@LovelyPlum: thanks!! I am terrified to start but I'm hoping it'll be ok. Yea, def going to stay away from wheat/gluten for now...
@catlady: thank you, very helpful!! That's awesome she outgrew everything by then!
@petitenoisette: goodluck with the yogurt, I hope it goes well!! Yea I was hoping to do a mix of BLW and purees, but we will see how it goes
@Dahlia: glad its going so well for you guys! that makes me hopeful. same with my LO, eliminated a bunch of stuff but couldn't really tell what it was exactly besides dairy. so that's why im nervous to try food...but these stories are making me feel better.
clementine / 935 posts
@NovBaby1112: I was really scared but kept telling myself that the doctors weren't worried, my husband wasn't worried, and I'd probably just read too much on the internet. I bought Benadryl and gave her new foods at breakfast, so if she did have a terrible reaction we could go to the doctor. She never did. And like I said, her stool even got better after we started solids, although I think that probably had to do with getting older more than the food itself.
You can do it! Once we got over the initial fear feeding her solids has been so much fun. I love picking out what to give her, and she LOVES eating. Plus, she's sleeping much better at night now!
clementine / 935 posts
@Truth Bombs: My LO seemed like she might be sensitive to corn, too. I also cut peas, which seems really random, but I was eating a lot of the soy free Earth Balance which is made with pea protein and her diapers were terrible. They got a lot better when I cut that, and when we tried giving her pea puree she had mucous in her diaper again for the first time in over a month. It's so frustrating, isn't it?
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