Ok, just trying to see if anyone else had a late clapper. My son is 13 months and still had never clapped! He has banged 2 objects together with both hands a few times. His pediatrician didn't seem concerned and said we'd talk about it at his 15 month checkup.

He's pretty much hit all other milestones... Says mama, dada, num num, arf arf (he loves dogs), and nana. He has waved though he doesn't do it that often anymore, he walks, shakes his head for no, can point to a few body parts, loves playing so big and peekaboo. He just started pointing, though it's mostly with his whole hand right now.

He just has zero interest in clapping! Friends and family act shocked when they find out he's never clapped, so I guess I'm trying to see if it's really that abnormal?