We just moved from our relatively small house into a VERY small cabin on my parents property. It's not permanent, but will likely be our home for the next year or two. We have done a pretty good job fitting most of our stuff in and keeping it reasonably uncluttered, but as we are here longer of course, things accumulate and we just have no extra space.
So...we have this space where my desk currently sits. It's on a back wall of the living room area with no windows. I never use the desk except as a place to put things, so it just gets piles with papers and random baby stuff and looks cluttered. I'm thinking of giving the desk back to my parents and putting in storage on that wall. It's a pretty big space and fairly useless for anything else. I would like mostly closed storage with maybe a few open shelves. I'm thinking the lower sections can be used for toys and the uppers for papers/extra diapers/household supplies/etc. Basically everything that is cluttering our space now.
Does anyone have specific recommendations of storage furniture that might work well? The space is about 75" wide and the shelves/cabinets could go as high as 80 inches if we took the currently installed shelf down. We could go probably 14-16" deep. I'm attaching a photo, taken before anything was straightened up, so don't judge!! It's a catch-all area right now.