For those that attend church on Sundays (or really, any morning events) what do you do about your LO's naps? Since we moved we found a new church we like, but their service is at 10 and that is Little Deer's nap time exactly. She normally wakes around 7:30, so I thought we could wake her early...but she also nurses around 4:30/ my dilemma this morning is that she nursed at 5:30, was back asleep by can I wake her up at 6:00?? (That's how early it'd have to be to get that nap before church). That seems too early and mean since she just fell back asleep. She doesn't sleep well out and about either. Such a dilemma! Her sleep is important to us, but so is church.

Any ideas? How have you all made church/events work when they were during LO's naps?