My 8 month old is still EBF + solids (ie no formula supplementation since she was 2 weeks old).
In a couple of weeks I am having surgery that requires general anesthesia, and I've been told by both my surgeon and my OB to pump & dump for 24 hours afterward.
Right now I pump around 5oz/day in deficit of what LO drinks at daycare. I try to make up for it by pumping on evenings and weekends, so can often only use around 5 oz/week of my freezer stash. I have maybe 40 oz left in the freezer.
SOOOo here is my question: I think the idea is less BM for longer is considered "healthier" than 100% BM for shorter, yes? So how would you deal with that day or so? Formula for 24 hrs and leave the stash so I can give BM as long as possible in weeks? Or use potentially 75% of my stash in that one day and start daily supplementing with formula likely in the next few weeks when the stash runs out?