Hellobee Boards


Stretch marks and genetics

  • poll: Stretch marks and genetics
    Got stretch marks, and so did my mother : (24 votes)
    24 %
    Got stretch marks, but my mother didn't : (14 votes)
    14 %
    Did not get stretch marks, but my mother did : (16 votes)
    16 %
    Did not get stretch marks, and neither did my mother : (41 votes)
    41 %
    I have no idea and don't care : (5 votes)
    5 %
  1. renee

    cherry / 181 posts

    My mom didn't get stretch marks until she was pregnant with my brother and I (twins!). I got 2 tiny stretch marks on my thigh from my pregnancy. I have stretch marks from earlier in my life though, so I was really surprised I didn't get any from pregnancy!

  2. sarac

    pomelo / 5093 posts

    Gained 12 pounds, got stretch marks after 40 weeks. 34 weeks now and none so far, even though I'm up 18 pounds. My mother gained 40 pounds and didn't get any, which is obnoxious. But truly, nothing you do matters, except ideally keeping your weight gain under control. But I'm clearly even the exception to that, which is awesome.

  3. plantains

    grapefruit / 4671 posts

    I got some, not very many and they aren't very big. They started to fade away big now that I'm pregnant again are making a comeback. I'm pretty dark skinned though so I don't really care.

  4. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    My mom did not get stretch marks with any of her 3 pregnancies...and she gained 40lbs with each.

    I did not get them with either pregnancy and I gained in the low 30s for each one. But I also religiously slathered on Mama Mio oil and cream 2x a day so I have no idea if that helped or not.

  5. Bubbles

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    My mum never got them through 4 kids, and I didn't get any at all with DS and he was a pretty big baby.. I did get them on my boobs during puberty though.


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