How often do you baby wear vs use the stroller when going out?
Or do you exclusively baby wear at home only?
Did you wear more when they were little and transfer to stroller as they got older?
Who wore more? You or your partner?
How often do you baby wear vs use the stroller when going out?
Or do you exclusively baby wear at home only?
Did you wear more when they were little and transfer to stroller as they got older?
Who wore more? You or your partner?
eggplant / 11824 posts
The only stroller I have ever had is a BOB jogging stroller, which I’ve only used for jogging/walking. Otherwise, I’ve always baby worn. I’ll admit, I don’t generally like strollers so that skews my answer, and LO loves to be worn and always has so that has had a huge impact as well. So, like 95/5 for wearing?
cherry / 178 posts
We babywear like 90% of the time (and my daughter is 20 months). I have a BOB and she goes on runs with me, but otherwise, she is usually on my back! On vacations we only bring a SSC with us.
coconut / 8861 posts
We're a 100% stroller here. I baby wore for the first few months when I would do errands with the baby, but not much after he started daycare. I have a great condition Tula I may sell or give to some friends who are getting our gear and clothes in a couple of weeks.
watermelon / 14467 posts
When she was younger, I babywore mostly. Now that I'm pregnant and she's 2.5, she a) does not fit in our Ergo that well and b) usually walks or I put her in the stroller for longer outings.
pineapple / 12793 posts
When I leave the house alone with the kids it's 100% and 100%. I need a stroller and a carrier.
If DH is around he wears the middle and I wear the baby. Big sister walks.
If I go out with one kid I wear.
nectarine / 2085 posts
I rarely used the stroller. If I had to do it over, I wouldn't get one, especially living in the 'burbs. I quit using it entirely at 2, but we weren't using it much once he was walking at 1 anyhow. I did like having one when living in the city, but chiefly for grocery shopping (and even then it had the drawback of not having much space for groceries!). The rest of the time it was just a bulky pain to deal with.
I wore LO a lot, both at home and out. I got plenty of use out of both the wrap and the carrier.
My husband never used the stroller or wore LO. He just carried LO.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Before she was a year when we're out I usually wear her; to me it's just so much easier. I only wore her at home if she needed help sleeping or if I really have to do something around the house.
I would say a after a year we used the stroller a bit more just b/c she was getting heavy! Even though it's comfortable for me to wear her, I'm pretty petite so I really feel it after a while.
I wear her probably 99% of the time. DH has a belly so it's not the most comfortable for him or DD, hahaha.
pear / 1737 posts
I used to 80% wear and 20% stroller ish. But now it's getting hotter and she gets sweater in the carrier and so do I. My husband has only worn her once (she is 7 months old). I felt much more comfortable wearing her when she was very small vs having her in the car seat in the stroller because it was much easier to check on her and she was nice and close to me. Now she likes to sit in the cart at stores we go to so I am not wearing her as often in stores.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
I chop and change but like to have both options available to me. Baby prefers being worn though.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
We pretty much have only used our double snap n go stroller until now... If we need to take both babies out. Up until a month ago, we limited their trips outside the home (because it was easier for one of us to stay home instead of take both babies out), or they did very well in their car seat and therefore snap and go stroller ride. Now they are a bit more active/ fidgety (not good for the stroller) and can now almost sit unassisted, I can start tandem wearing them. Plus, we are going to places now for their enjoyment or at least they are aware and look. Before, they would fall asleep on the car seat stroller rides.
I did my first public Babywearing experience two weekends ago. We were on the ferry and not driving during the ferry ride, I knew my son would not like it. It was great. My son loved it. My daughter was entertained sitting in her car seat during the 1hr long ferry ride. My MIL was with her and I had the Ergo in case she got fussy and needed to be worn. We are hoping for the zoo soon so I think it would be the next time I will babywear again.
I had hopes that my husband would babywear. I got an Ergo for him since I heard good things from men liking the ergo. I got a Beco because it's good for petite women. He's worn the baby (one at a time) 5 ish times all within the home. He has a bad back and asthma so he can't wear them long. He has tried woven wraps (if I wrap him) and it does distribute the weight better than the ergo.
honeydew / 7622 posts
90% stroller 10% baby wear. That's gradually shifted as she's become heavier. I only wear her for walking on uneven terrain or if she's cranky.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
It obviously shifts as the ages change.
Usually more like 90% stroller and 10% baby wear for outings.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
I wanted to love babywearing more than I actually did, so it was probably something like 25% wearing, 75% stroller, which became 100% stroller by the time she turned 1. I definitely wore her more when she was little, both in the house and out. My problem was that our carriers were uncomfortable for me (we had a k'tan and an ergo) so I just didn't like to wear her for too long. DH thought the ergo was comfortable so he probably wore her more than I did.
apricot / 340 posts
My daughter is one. I wear 75% of the time and use a stroller 25% of the time. I only bring the stroller for all day outings, and even then I won't be caught dead with out a carrier with me. My daughter will not sleep in the stroller, so we switch back and forth while we use the stroller.
nectarine / 2821 posts
Oh 80% baby wear 20% stroller? Used to be 100% baby wear. He's always hated strollers. He hated and still hates the car seat, infant was way worse than convertible. He does ok when we put him in the stroller at ideal times, but sometimes he will flip his shit. Snacks help. He's incredibly heavy and I actually hurt myself baby wearing. Now that it's had time to heal, I can do a back carry and it feels ok.
nectarine / 2821 posts
Oh and dh used to use our Tula all the time but he would never do a back carry by himself.
pineapple / 12566 posts
90% stroller and 10% wearing as babies. As toddlers, 100% stroller. I never really enjoyed baby wearing so I would only do it when it was the more convenient option.
pear / 1648 posts
We babywear a lot when traveling (rarely bring a stroller) but use our City Mini for our long weekend walks (we walk to the farmers market + Starbucks + park). The stroller is great for storage for those trips - we'd probably need a backpack if we were to babywear. When she was smaller, though, I would usually tuck the Ergo into the stroller basket for use when she decided she was "over" the stroller.
apricot / 485 posts
Mostly stroller all the time! I did use my carrier when my baby was about 3-9mo but usually I used it in combination with the stroller or on long trips when I knew I could get her to sleep/nurse in the carrier. Like when we went to a festival, I brought both and used my carrier to nurse and let her sleep. I also run with my BOB so it gets lots of use.
As she got to be a toddler- no baby wearing! Stroller 100%. I can't imagine how people wear toddlers unless it is a hiking pack and they're up high on your back. And even then, I would only use if I hiked lol. Actually, I would make my husband. No way I'm gonna wear a 3' tall 30 lb 2 year old for fun.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
Stroller almost always. I only wear occasionally.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
I baby wear maybe once every 3 months. I use the grocery cart seats or stroller almost exclusively. I only babywear when those two things arent an option. I really dont like babywearing once they get too big for the front carry. I HATE not being able to see or interact with my kid while they are on my back.
blogger / nectarine / 2608 posts
I've never owned a stroller of any kind. So 100% wearing. I really love being able to share a field of view, and I love how they are always so happy and relaxed being close to me. I love the portability, too. I can easily pack a wrap on a hike or long outing, and if we don't end up using it it's not a huge pain to manage or lug around.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
100% stroller. I tried using carriers but baby wearing just really isn't for me
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Only 1 child, 4mo old:
We always bring the stroller and use that 80% of the time because LO likes his space, sleeps better there, and he's heavy! We babywear about 20% of the time, when he starts getting fussy or when we want cuddles
DH wears more often. I get lots of baby time & cuddles through nursing, so babywearing is the way that DH gets close contact with LO.
persimmon / 1322 posts
We own a stroller, but have used it maybe 10 times. So 99% babywearing, 1% stroller. But currently, 100% babywearing, as we haven't used the stroller at all for about 6 months. Baby is 9 months now. I think we'll probably use the stroller again when we have another baby, so we can wear the little one and have the big kid in the stroller.
One or both of us babywears every day. We go for nightly walks and take turns wearing the baby. When she was little, I wore her for most of the day.
nectarine / 2951 posts
When DS was young it was maybe 40% wearing, 60% stroller. He is a big boy, always measuring in the 90% for weight, so I think we used the stroller more often as he got older. Now at 2.5 he is too big to be worn, but we only use the stroller for city trips or major outings.
DS2 is due in a few weeks and I imagine I'll wear him a lot more than DS2 mostly out of necessity. I'm not buying a double stroller... For now.
coconut / 8430 posts
As an infant my daughter was fine sleeping in the stroller so we mainly used the stroller out and about, baby wearing at home or at someone's house.
My daughter wouldn't sleep in the stroller once she was out of the infant seat, so we did a lot more baby wearing when she got a little older so she would nap on the go.
nectarine / 2784 posts
1 child, 1 year old. I've never brought the stroller anywhere that wasn't a park (but I do push LO to the park in it frequently). I use the carrier for any kind of errand or outing, and of course at home. I use the carrier every day, and the stroller a few times per week. I wear more because I'm with LO more but my husband has his own carrier and uses it about 1-2 times a week.
pomelo / 5607 posts
I baby wear the majority of the time, DH uses the stroller. He does wear her some but he doesn't feel comfortable getting set up on his own and now that I prefer the Tula it's a pain to adjust the straps. He's a lot bigger than me.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
I wear DD almost 100% of the time. I don't actually remember the last time I used the stroller. It's just easier because when DS is also with me I need both hands to wrangle him. And even when I have another set of hands to help I prefer to wear her. I just like being close to her, and she likes being close to me. I did use the stroller when she was a newborn and I was recovering from my C-section. D and I would walk around the mall and I would push her.
DS HATED being worn, though, so I mostly used the stroller with him!
pear / 1965 posts
I used a stroller more with DD. With #2 on the way I expect to wear much more this time around. I feel with juggling more than one kid I want to be more mobile and not stuck with a bulky stroller.
persimmon / 1043 posts
Right now, babywearing 90% and stroller 10% for DS2.
We have a double (side by side) and for long trips, DD and DS1 use that. I will babywear DS2. If he's awake and happy, one of the older kids will walk so DS2 can have a chance to be in the stroller. Also, for meals I try to place DS2 in the stroller so he can look around. I do enjoy babywearing but at the same time, would like DS2 to get acclimated to the stroller.
apricot / 477 posts
Before I got pregnant it was 60% babywearing 40% stroller
Now it's 60% stroller 40% babywearing.
LO1 is very tiny and easy to wear front or back even at 16 months, but with all the muscle aches and cramps lately we've mostly switched to the stroller.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
I use the stroller the vast majority of the time. I live in a city where I walk everywhere, and I found it really cumbersome/heavy to wear her and carry a diaper bag-- I really only wore her if dh was coming with too so he would carry the bag. Whereas w the stroller, I could carry a lot more stuff and feel more mobile. I wore her mostly when she was very little or when traveling--it made flying way easier to wear her on the plane since she could be contained! She did usually nap while I was wearing her so that was a plus, though she's a stellar stroller napper as well (and still is at 2!
Eta lo is little-- like 25th percentile weight--but I still found it uncomfortable/heavy to have her and a bag
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Babywear/toddlerwear 95% of the time. It's just easier for me. However for all day outings with both boys (3.5 years old and almost 2.5 years old) like the zoo we use a wagon when we go with grandma and grandpa. My DH also wears and is starting to amass his own collection because we hate sharing.
It's all about your preference. Given the space to carry a lot (i.e.: a stroller) I will. If I am carrying then I slim down to just the 100% needed items.
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