So up until maybe a month ago, Liv LOVED her baths. She would get pissed if we took her out of the tub too early, and was a happy camper splashing around and playing in there. Then a flip switched, and she started getting fussier and upset in there, and now its a full blown scream-fest while shes in the tub. The only thing I can think of that happened was that one night while we were getting ready to go out, the nanny was giving her a bath and she dumped a cup of water over her head (we tipped her back so water didnt get in her face.) She LOST it that night. Has anyone else had this sudden protest, and was it brought on by an event? Or do kids just do this? And how do I get over it? I want to sign her up for swim classes starting in May but if she stays like this I dont know....