So a group of us want to get together for a joint vacation getaway sometime this spring or summer. We consist of FOUR different life stages, all the way from married with no kids to married with two kids, and possibly a pregnancy or two mixed in there as well. We want to go somewhere where we could easily go out during the day with the kids, but go out at night as well in groups (just husbands, just wives, and double dates as the other two couples babysit the sleeping kids in the hotel rooms). I was thinking a cruise with two really nice suites, or a resort type place. It would be best to stay within the country so we don't have to get baby passports.

We're coming from three different cities, both east and west coast!

My initial thoughts (for a non-cruise) were Puerto Rico and Vegas.

Thoughts??? I am NOT a traveler or vacationer so this is tricky for me!!!