My son goes to bed at 7 and wakes usually at 5 lately (ugh). So, he's ready for a nap by like 6:30 am! I've been napping him before we leave the house for daycare. I feel like we are all over the place and have no schedule for naps at all - he's historically been a poor napper (naps in cribs, but only 30 mins) and that's getting a little better so I feel like now is a good time for a nap schedule if possible. But what to do about the early wakeup time? Currently he naps every 2 hours or so. Is it better to have a schedule or nap him when he's tired at this point? I'd love to do naps at 9, 1 and 4 but honestly he can't make it from 5-9 without a nap and that early nap throws everything off (and I wonder if I'm just perpetuating the early wakeup). He's 6 months.

Any suggestions?