So DD is 13 weeks old and she's only had breastmilk thus far. I'm finishing up my 2nd full week back at work, and I feel like my supply is barely keeping up with her hunger. I usually pump 5-6x a day and BF 1x a day. I estimate that I produce around 18-22 oz per day right now.

Thing is, I hate pumping. I am committed to pumping 5-6x a day, but I will go insane if I have to pump more (she STTN, and I do not want to wake up in the middle of the night to pump again b/c I'll be a zombie at work). I know that's really the only way to effectively increase my supply. I've been eating oatmeal, flax seed/meal, gatorade, heaps of water, brewer's yeast etc with no increase or decrease in production (I do not want to take fenugreek).

Does anyone supplement with formula? I don't even know where to start. What kind? When to give it? How much? I'm thinking that I may just give her an additional 2-3 oz per day, because I do want to continue to feed her predominantly breastmilk.

Has anyone been through this? Has it totally backfired on you and your supply dropped even more, even if you continued pumping the same amount? Please help me