DS is 2 months old (as of today) and is swaddled for every nap/nighttime sleep. He usually fights the swaddle while awake, but sleeps well with the swaddle (he still has his startle reflex and wakes himself with any arms free). Last night he spent a lot of time moving around/fighting his swaddleme sack. He learned that he can use his legs as momentum and started putting them up and swinging them to move himself back and forth. I'm a little concerned about him rolling in the swaddle and getting stuck now. He also wasn't able to get into a deeper sleep after one wake up and DH had to stay up with him starting at 5am. He did this to a less extent the night before as well.

DS is currently 11.5 pounds (as of his appointment on Tuesday). I'm not really sure where to go next. I have tried not swaddling him for several naps and once after he struggled for over an hour at night and it has been a disaster so far. I bought a Magic Sleepsuit this week off eBay and it will be here Monday. We are still using the small/medium swaddleme sacks. I'm wondering if I should try the sleepsuit when he hits 12 lbs (would this be ok even though he won't be 3 months? Or do we need to wait for the age requirement?) or if I should try a large swaddleme? Or another type of swaddle sack? We have a Halo, but I think the bulkiness on the backside bothers him even more while swaddled.