persimmon / 1167 posts
I feel a bit crampy, which makes me sad that AF might be on it's way. Just have to go with the flow, I suppose. (Oh, that turned into a bad pun).
One of the gals at my chiropractor's today told me that it is not my burden to worry about. It felt insightful, but I haven't been too spiritual lately. So it is something I need to work on.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
LOL @ go with the flow.
I am symptom spotting like its my job right now. I need to calm down, but I can't!
As for mantras, I am going with: I am grateful for and love my body and all it does for me.
This works for not only trying to get healthier, but also my fertility journey.
I just want to tell myself: You will get pregnant. You are pregnant. Your body is working like its supposed to, and you WILL get a BFP in a few days.
I just wish I could believe it.
persimmon / 1167 posts
@Crystal: I didn't believe it at first, but I read this book that says your subconcious doesn't know any better and can assist with creating reality. So why not. LOL.
I've also come to terms with the fact that I will never not be crazy super aware of the TWW. Biologically it kind of makes sense to be aware of things if you might be pregnant.
:: shrugs ::
nectarine / 2028 posts
@Crystal: "You will get pregnant. You are pregnant. Your body is working like it's supposed to and you WILL get a BFP in a few days!"
Did that help? Hearing it from someone else? I am trying to stay positive over here (in between the RAPID phantom symptom spotting craziness. ahem.).
I don't remember the last time I yawned this much.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@HolisticMama: I'm reading The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant, and she says that almost all "real" symptoms can't be detected any faster than a FRER or other early PG test. Take heart-if it's the month (AND I HOPE IT IS!!!!!), the symptoms will come in after that pretty ...
persimmon / 1167 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: Is it a good book? I don't think I totally believe that symptom thing. 24 to 48 hours after conception, early pregnancy factor (original name, hm?) begins being released into the mother's blood stream. There are also a lot of other hormone changes that occur after conception. So I definitely think there might be some women that are pretty sensitive to changes in their bodies that they might detect.
I'm not sure if I am one of them. But it is still interesting to think about, nonetheless.
persimmon / 1167 posts
Heeding @MrsMccarthy's advice and am allowing myself to experience what I'm feeling.
So I'm playing Enya with a heating pad on my back, pretty convinced AF is on the way. And annoyed that DH has a massive wall clock that is ticking in my face while I try to do homework on his uncomfortable desktop computer. -_-
:: deep breath ::
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@HolisticMama: that was great advice! And one I need to heed more often.
I'm so sorry you're hurting, I'm still holding out hope for you!
persimmon / 1167 posts
@Crystal: Thanks! And I JUST saw your wall post like a minute ago! Thanks!
How are you feeling?
I have this heating pad that can be wrapped around the body with velcro. It looks TOTALLY ridiculous, but it is helpful for hands free warmth. Also, the lord of the rings soundtracks are awesome and uplifting.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: thank you for saying that- it really does help to hear someone else say it. ️️️️️
nectarine / 2028 posts
@HolisticMama: Oh BELIEVE-YOU-ME....I am symptom spotting like no one's business!! Extra tired? Maybe I'm preggo (ignore the early wake-ups the last few days). Woke up at midnight to pee? Maybe I'm preggo! (or drank too much yesterday). Randomly stabby nips? Boobs "look" bigger? Maybe I'm preggo! (etc. etc. etc.)
I'm only 4 DPO so I shared that only as reassurance in case you weren't feeling anything. I totally believe you can feel it earlier!
eggplant / 11861 posts
Sore boobs today....not crazy sore but nipples are
I pray pray this is the result of implantation and not AF gearing up to come!!!!
Currently 8DPIUI
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@FaithFertility: only a few more days til you can test! Sore nipples is a good sign!!!!
@ChiCalGoBee: You are so sweet!
I'm also 5DPO and crazy symptom spotting. I'm feeling up myself so much, I think I might make my boobs sore just because I'm grabbing them! Lol
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@Crystal: HA, I was just thinking the same thing re: checking for soreness. Hahaha. Glad I'm not the only one.
persimmon / 1167 posts
@theotherstark: Definitely not the only one. I actually also took picture of them this cycle so I can compare on different cycles. LOL.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@HolisticMama: HAHA! That is amazing. I posted on the POAS thread, but might as well post here too bc of course I'm symptom spotting (or not, since not really having symptoms).
Sort of down in the dumps because I had consistent mild cramps from O through yesterday (6 dpo). I had fairly bad cramps yesterday (no idea why, but they only lasted for half an hour or so. Don't generally cramp this far away from AF), and now the cramps have essentially gone away today (7 dpo).
Of course I KNOW it would be too early to really have pregnancy symptoms anyway, but I have this sinking feeling that I am out since the cramps are gone. And because of those bad cramps, now I'm nervous that AF is going to come way early.
persimmon / 1167 posts
@theotherstark: The body is weird. I definitely think you can feel symptoms early in the TWW, but I might be in the minority. On my first cycle, I drove myself mad trying to analyze the symptoms. But then I resolved to just feel them and acknowledge them. It made my next cycle so much more enjoyable.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: Thank you!!!!!! I'm hopeful!!!!! I'm testing Sunday
persimmon / 1167 posts
How is everyone feeling today here at Symptom Spotters Anonymous?
I'm crazy hungry. Nips are still sore. Chapped lips.
CD30. (I've NEVER seen CD30).
I'm beginning to wonder when the OBGYN or RE would want me to reach out to them regarding a late period. But then I remind myself I am probably getting ahead of myself.
Still a big big very very white BFN.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@HolisticMama: Ugh, so frustrating!! Why are our bodies so weird?? Do you know when you O'd?
I'm only 8dpo, but had some light spotting this AM and have been having cramps, so pretty sure AF is on the way. Super early. Oh joy.
persimmon / 1167 posts
@theotherstark: I think I O'd on Day 15. I wasn't tracking temps. So if there is a next cycle- I'm going to track a whole bunch of things.
Do you usually have a short LP? As my husband reminded me at dinner on Tuesday...You aren't out until the period is truly here.
persimmon / 1167 posts
@littlek: Maybe so. RE wants me to call on Monday. So I am feeling good about that. I feel a lot more calm. I love knowing answers will probably be coming sooner then later. I'm so glad that I established a relationship with my RE last year.
nectarine / 2028 posts
7DPO over here. Those FRERs are staring me down. All the "symptoms" I felt appear to be gone. Temp went up from. 98.2 to 98.5 today (my highest temp yet). I know going up is a GOOD thing, so I'm hoping it stays up there or even rises over the coming days. Seeing if I can hold out until Sunday to test. I'm laughing that TCoYF suggests waiting until 18 DPO with high temps to take a pregnancy test. As if I could wait 11 more days!!!
How's everyone else hanging in there??
nectarine / 2028 posts
@HolisticMama: any sign of AF yet? Sorry this cycle is dragggging on:-(
eggplant / 11861 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: ughhh I'm a symptom I'm. 10dpiui and strating to zgo crazy, I just want to know! I feel nothing, have kinda sore nipples and I did see a tinge of pink in my cm once today, no cramps....and welll..... I'm a holding out till Sunday!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@FaithFertility: SO hoping your IUI worked...SO hoping!!!
I just spent a 30-min walk with my dogs trying to tell myself that if AF doesn't show up on Sat or Sun that I *really* should wait to test until Monday. And now that I'm in the same room as the HPTs, that's all gone out the window. It's SO hard to know what counts as a missed period, seeing as I've had 28-day cycles the last two months, but I'm pretty sure I Od late on CD 19 so...? I'm CD 26 right now...
pomegranate / 3791 posts
Ladies...I AM LOSING MY MIND RIGHT NOW. Seriously, this is the hardest TWW EVER. EVER EVER EVER. I know I sound completely ridiculous, but I just want to know so badly! Early this morning I was having cramping that just felt...different. It wasn't gas or an upset stomach, and it was different than my PMS cramps. I'm also exhausted (although considering that my 8 month old has had a cold for 4 days in a row, I suppose there are other factors there, I'm just choosing to ignore them.) I so badly want this to be implantation. But even if it is, I have to wait for my levels to get high enough for it to show on a test!
I only have one First Response test left. I should NOT waste it on 9dpo (which is what tomorrow morning will be) when it's super unlikely that it will say I'm pregnant even if I am. I'll just need to go out and buy more and spend more money. But I cannot stand the 'what if I am and I could know it today if I just took a test?!' thoughts!
pomegranate / 3791 posts
And I'm sorry I've been bad abut keeping up with this thread. I just feel like I'm losing my mind over this and sometimes hellobee can make it worse. But I needed to get that out there. If only I didn't have long cycles, then I would already know!
persimmon / 1167 posts
@wonderstruck: (on my phone). Would a BFN be disappointing? No dollar stores nearby?
pomegranate / 3791 posts
@HolisticMama: My pattern seems to be that early on I don't really find the BFNs to be disappointing, because it's early. Once my period's only a few days away they start to bum me out. The dollar store tests are a good idea, maybe I'll go pick some up tomorrow.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@FaithFertility: eeeek! FX!!!!
@wonderstruck: if it's driving you that crazy it might be worth it to spend the money. :smile:
eggplant / 11861 posts
Woke this morning and had a little more spotting...nothing red just pinkish......
I immedietly started crying :(( I know it is not the end yet but it just scares me!
Anyone have this and get a BFP???
I want this so much this time it hurts!
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