I'm not putting this into Birth in Progress, because I don't think that's what it is. But I've been having menstrual like cramps, some contractions, on and off for a couple of days-- like, Weds evening they were kind of bad, then I was able to sleep, so clearly not real labor. Picked up again Thursday morning then stopped completely. This afternoon I was sitting in traffic for an hour and a half and started up again with the menstrual like cramps, then a few very uncomfortable but not quite painful contractions (made worse because I really had to pee!). Any actual contractions have been at least 20 minutes apart and not regular.

I know this can come and go for days so I'm interested to hear what your early labor, starting contractions, and days leading up to the labor were like. I'm due on Tuesday so it come be right now or 2 weeks from now...