LO is 7.5 mo and is MSPI. We started solids about 2 months ago and have been moving very slowly, basically just with fruits and veggies. No packaged stuff or baby food or pre made purees (we are doing BLW). LO isn't really into eating yet so she doesn't consume much when she does it.
But now I think we may be dealing with some allergies and it bums me out. And I'm not quite sure how to proceed. When we first started solids I gave LO some sweet potato and she spit up a TON all day. No rash or anything though. Doc said to wait a while to give it again, probably just a sensitivity.
Other than that we saw no issues with anything we had given her though-- and the first thing we actually gave her was avocado which she has had probably 5-8 times now. 2 weeks ago we fed it to her and she got a rash later that day, but didn't seem otherwise upset or have other symptoms (I posted about it here: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/my-first-dr-hellobee-post-rash). Because she'd eaten avocado so many times before we thought it couldn't be that and chalked it up to my MIL using a scented hand cream before handling her. But we hadn't fed her avocado since.
Today we had one in the house so just to see what would happen I put a tiny bit on my finger and rubbed it on her neck. A few hours later a rash appeared right where it had been.
So.. that is an allergy right? I mean it is weird she ate it with no issues for like 6 weeks then all of a sudden developed an allergy-- but not impossible?
Where do we go from here? Should I make an appt with her ped to talk to her about it and make a plan for how to proceed with solids? Or avoid other related(??) foods?
Any advice would be appreciated