Because clearly I'm doing it wrong...
I've been EPing for 5.5 months. About 3 weeks ago I came down with a nasty case of the flu. My supply tanked, and I couldn't get it back up no matter how much fluids I drank/domperidone I took. I decided it was a good time to wean anyway since I was close to my 6 month goal. I slowly started reducing my # of pump sessions, from 5 down to 1 over the course of several days. Towards the end I was only getting barely 1/2 an ounce per breast so I just stopped all together.
The last time I pumped was 10 days ago and I've had zero pain. If I squeezed my breasts in the shower, a bit would come out, but that was it and I heard that was normal.
Last night, while lying on the couch, I noticed I had leaked through my shirt. I could feel a bit of a lump so I pumped (to avoid mastitis or clogged ducts) for just a few minutes and got 5 ounces! This morning I woke up DRENCHED in milk from both breasts. I'm a chronic low supplier...LCs have always warned me that if I miss just one pump session my supply would(could?) dry up very very quickly so I thought it would be easy to wean...I definitely thought 10 days off the pump would make me dryer than the Sahara.
Now I'm confused as to whether I should go back to EPing or continue weaning. Is this normal? What am I doing wrong??